八六歳ころからは、「実習生? 同行訪問? 若い人をからかうのが母は大好きだから、もう、どんどん連れて来て」という事態にまでおよび、
「やすこさんはいいですねえ! 連れて帰りたいようです!」
・A町 母を引き取り、翌年、右半身まひを発症します。
・B市 自己作成をやめてケアマネさんに替わります。
・C町 ケアマネさん、専門職、医師もともに議論を深めます。
50代 嫉妬妄想、もの盗られ妄想はじまる。
82歳 夫と死別、グループホーム入所。
83歳 在宅介護へ。
84歳 右半身まひ発症。一か月後に回復。
88歳 遺稿となった俳句を詠む。
89歳 五階層の天守閣へ登城
90歳 昇天

When you use a long-term care services, the care plan desired by the person, care manager (care manager) to create is in the center, do the coordination of the respective service office. In fact, in the institutional long-term care insurance that the "self-created", the identification of the user, or their families, has become a good thing to make a care plan.
Care manager, responsible for possible number of people have decided in the long-term care insurance system.
When taken up the mother, who are available to do could not be found in the A town (see sixty-nine page).
(Well Let's the "self-created")
This, I I thought.
At the time "self-created" the case in which was the prefecture two examples eyes, was the one seeking stage I do if even the government.
On the other hand, because I was also a helper secondary, I found was like, do not like know, is such a state. There is a creation software of care plan Fortunately office, while received the permission and guidance of the President, we were able to make a care plan. Practical aspects such as communication and coordination with the respective service office, please in charge in the government.
Care plan, there is a series of flow of "challenge (assessment)," "passed (care plan)," "evaluation (monitoring)", and regularly circulating this. Here, we will introduce a self-creating care plan when the mother was on the right side of the body paralyzed.
① independence of excretion
The mother there was a belief that "the end When you are ready to receive the care of servants." Given returned pretend, that the mother can go to your toilet alone is, support the desire to live, it was an important key.
② hospital
Not stand on their own, walk not in the mother, what about the one-time visit to the moon.
③ cooking, bathing, check safety
Late at night to go home to two o'clock, because I go to work in the morning at seven, my mother was almost living alone. It can not be cooking on their own, of whether the mother that only see whether there are people there is a danger even bathing. Once on the right side of the body paralyzed, it is the frequent safety check is also important.
④ prevention of fracture
You go to your bathroom in a wheelchair, but when going to the toilet alone, will fractured Once you fall if. How Will it do prevention.
⑤ stability of life and the main caregiver
Osoreoku is also referred to as "primary caregivers" is me. At that time has been working day and night, to support the life, it could not be able to change jobs.
⑥ relationships with service providers
Just relocated without the involvement of the neighborhood, it does not have a safety confirmation system also to the government. My mother and I rely on the will, was the only service provider.
① independence of excretion
On the day of the right side of the body paralysis onset, and teach the operation of the wheelchair, the mother was referred to as "Iun'eekiu". The next day, was fitted with a handrail that was found in the hundred yen shop to your toilet. If not used a wheelchair, it was rent a handrail of every floor. This is also no longer used, it was returned at the same time as the move.
② hospital
And visits by private car to the private hospital, garden and parking has been moved suffer embrace the mother. Mother destroy the rather balance because you release the body as "I Uie (bad hey)", I was scolded as "Are dangerous if not you firmly stick!" It is unstable. To get one's arms around the mother, there was also that the "cause enough graces" the mother. Here is the demon daughter "friendly Kamen" is a big success.
③ cooking, bathing, check safety
Cooking, bathing has to ask the helper's. Mother is the so-called "slurred speech" state. Force or of swallowing that chew the food we are weakened. So nice not picked up when dropped, the spoon is always two. Moisture will drink it yourself using the hungry only (Raku only). It was changed to "tick" from the "thickening" the cooking forms depending on the recovery.
I also came home to safety confirmation look at the intervals of work.
④ prevention of fracture
When taken up the mother, expect a fall-fracture, the president had handled the "calcium health food" was Mashi intake between the two months.
⑤ stability of life and the main caregiver
Mother of the hospital takes a rest, while returning home in the intervals of work, was able to continue the work without changing jobs.
⑥ relationships with service providers
In fact, at that time because the mother was "care one", was accompanied to the right side of the body paralysis onset issued a "division change application". But, at the discretion of the government referred to as "acute phase", level of care does not change. Because even if the fall was the state that does not get up by themselves, increase the number of visits's helper also serves as safety confirmation, the part that exceeds the limit was self-pay. Catering to Mr. helpers go home cooked meal. My mother ate slowly yourself over time, tableware intact. So walk gradually, now carry the sink somehow, now soon wash yourself. "As much as possible do it yourself," This is also a commandment of demon daughter.
① independence of excretion
Mother who developed the right side of the body paralyzed, was not convinced that "it is possible to go to yourself in your toilet." Maybe, perhaps it was a symptom of "say mending" by dementia. The term "because there is no Dekikko," "unreasonable unreasonable. Quit because dangerous", I did not in any opening. Try it on their own, and would be convinced If you can not, I was thinking so unfussy. However, the mother went to your toilet in a wheelchair, moved to the toilet on their own, and the raising and lowering of the pants, and the clean up, I was able to come back. Will this thing kept the mother of pride. Where Yara to a temporary depression state, only "life rehab" that go alone to your toilet, after a month, my mother did it overcomes the right side of the body paralyzed.
② hospital
Mother of auditory hallucinations, or delusions, not what happened from loneliness. I think so is after. Come to back pretending, in the battle of the right side of the body paralyzed, my mother did not say a delusion. Is a fact also that it was the fullest by your body, but that I was hug attending to the is, if you and I were to fill the loneliness of the mother, which was that happy.
③ cooking, bathing, check safety
Put the helper's at home, and be exposed to all of life in the eyes of others, is what first really embarrassed, there is a resistance. If there are circumstances that can not do anything, I start the forced use, this Itatamarenai feelings, you will be able to gradually make a virtue of necessity.
Eighty-six-year-old from the days, "because I love my mother to make fun of apprentices? Accompany visit? Young people, and the other, to bring more and more" to the situation in, and,
"Yasuko's seems to want to go is hey! Brought to say!"
If, now enough to be Horekoma. This is the "young helper's and eloped commotion."
④ prevention of fracture
In natural amblyopia, it was a frail mother, loved high bar since I was a child. And the Jianshui hanging on to the railing if you go to the hot springs. Winding a cotton thread to the upper arm, it was able to cut it in muscle strength. Encouragement to gate ball from becoming older, was quite agile.
During his illness, fall for each wheelchair, both feet are now full of bruises,
"Leopard say to awe ho (living proof)."
There was a cheerful it is to laugh with. Even after the recovery, the two-and fall several times, but there was able to come down for three days, did not Fortunately fracture.
Among the professional learning, and there is a great value in the "walk", I look like I think.
"Prevents a decrease in muscle strength to walk to the sun, to improve the blood flow, further sends oxygen to the brain, making the bone. Even a little bit of rain and snow, Come take a walk with the helper's a warm!" This is the , it is the "demon daughter greatest commandment."
The helper's counseling To smiling, "because it is the intention of daughter",
"You've been a little sunlight disinfect" this response, my mother gave me laugh everyone.
⑤ stability of life and the main caregiver
Last moment of the words of the mother was that "Hioho, Hioho (go to work)." When the disease,
"I'm sorry over a burden on the family."
You might be feeling that. By using the long-term care services, I can continue to work, mother to obtain the stability of the heart, it might have become a positive effect on recovery.
⑥ relationships with service providers
It was much use the same visit nursing office. In the meantime, even the President and Mrs. even helper's, it was supported by the "non-critical, receptive response (without criticism, there has to accept to leave)."
My mother and I have many moving, will move four times in a three-municipality. The Mr. Keamane there is a charge of the area, the mother of charge Keamane will change each time you move. And the municipality of attitude, the direction of Mr. Keamane of us involved are similar is interesting.
· A-cho mother the take-off, the next year, develop the right side of the body paralyzed.
In our house of the self-creation care plan, it is the people of the government's who have the communication and coordination between service providers. While he will hit the very enthusiastic, and "not increase the extra work", was he really in trouble in part.
That summer, made a sudden right side of the body paralyzed, although the division change application, will be "rejected because of the acute phase."
"Long-term care insurance is not there for the family," she said, Mr. Keamane will affirm to me.
· B City quit the self-created instead Keamane's.
Also participated himself and family services conference, but is a feature of it is long-term care insurance to agree to the care plan,
"In the service conference, please do not come even Yasuko's also daughter"
This will be passed to say from the home care support office in charge.
Strong intention of the government, is the impression that business than the system, system than the user.
· C-cho Keamane's, professional, deepen also both discussion doctor.
"Professional cooperation" is a challenge of the site, the place was not in addition to the local government, many of the professional and consumer committee, is to do a case study in the same table secondary helper is the doctor. Friendly doctor a lot, there is a feeling of "multidisciplinary collaboration".
A Town, was not observed in the B city "walk by helper assistance of" is, you can put in the care plan in the C-cho. Keamane's is also user closer.
"As hypertension is settle down, I called the settle in conjunction also psychiatric symptoms."
If, Keamane's is also studying enthusiastic.
Of course, this is my personal experience, so I hope you'll believe that extreme case. When I was doing, I think that was allowed to experience it is necessary to learn.
50s jealousy delusion, things taken beginning delusion.
82-year-old husband and bereavement, group home residents.
83-year-old to home care.
84-year-old right side of the body paralysis onset. Recovery after one month.
Read the haiku, which became a 88-year-old manuscripts.
89-year-old Tojo to five hierarchy of the castle tower
90-year-old Ascension