彼は ゲイ なのだそうです。
ぜひ 保護されて、証言してほしい。
YouTube も Facebook も Google も
順次 バン! しています。
ですので、クリックしていただいたら、元の tweet に飛べるようにしました。
及川解説は https:// m.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ_rguIr308
翻訳 ロバート、可視化のためにリツイートしてもらえますか?最新のフ〇イザーのビデオの男は、Veritas が提供したリンクインに示されている医学部での 2018 年のこのビデオでここに見られます。これは、一部のサクラが主張しているような、彼がベリタスのデマではないことを証明しています。
昨晩 の中で のマーロン博士が、発信した動画を見た時は、内容が難しいしG ain-of-Func tionって武漢の研究所が正にやっていたことだし、怖すぎるから半信半疑だった。でもマ博士が危険だと仰っているし、暴露した本人がこんなに取り乱すということは本当だと思った
カメラの前でフ〇イザーの管理職が明かす真実。 を使って人為的に変異株を作り、それ用のワ〇チンを作って売るマッチポンプ商売。フ〇イザーに天下りしたい監督官庁の役人は厳格なチェックを行わないから楽勝。武〇株も人為的に作られた。全ての皺寄せは一般庶民に。ペラペラと喋る喋る。
P fizer drunk deeply from the K laus Schw ab/La rry Fin k Stakeholder Capitalism/ESG score KoolAid, and Jor don Walk er is what they got.
Let that be a lesson to all concerned. The business of business is business. Not social engineering.
Hello. friends in the world. How are you doing?
A video of a great man from Company F, which is now a hot topic all over the world.
He says he's gay.
to come on a date and impress your partner
"It's a secret. Don't tell anyone. I promise."
The story that I confided in was outrageous.
The date is actually a team of undercover journalists.
Confused, angry, and violent towards the crowd of teams.
What will happen to him after this...
I also felt that kind of worry.
Please be protected and testify.
It's a serious matter.
Even in Japan, you can only see it on some SNS.
YouTube, Facebook, Google
Sequential bang! doing.
Even in this blog, it has already disappeared at the moment I uploaded it.
So, if you click on it, I made it so that you can jump to the original tweet.
Please watch the video and see for yourself.
Research and development director Porori ``Further is conducting Wis mutation experiments'' * The original video was played 10 million times on Twitter in half a day, and Google censored it immediately.
Mr. Oikawa explains in an easy-to-understand manner the uncovered conspiracy that is bustling Twitter. A plan to make mutation stocks first and make a vaccine and sprinkle it. "Corona is a money tree," said a Huyzer employee. It is easy to imply that Take ○○ Rona was scattered in the same pattern. The greatest crime in human history is being uncovered.
Here's the video of the Huyzer employee in question, which has been viewed 12 million times and has been picked up by FOX. It's already too late to suddenly say, "I'm a liar."
Oikawa commentary https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ_rgu Ir308
Robert, can you please retweet for visualization? The man in the latest Huyzer video can be seen here in this video from 2018 at medical school shown in the link-in provided by Veritas . This proves that he is not a Veritas hoax as some Sakura have claimed.
P fizer drunk deeply from the K laus Schw ab/La rry Fink Stakeholder Capitalism/ESG score KoolAid, and Jor don Walk er is what they got. engineering.
Translated from English by Google
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