
ネイテイブジャパニーズ秘話 Neiteibu Japanese untold story























1、   神代文字 とはなにか?










「あら、まあ! 神代文字じゃない!?」









2、    琵琶湖よし筆って?











3、    この3人はだれ?










「なんですって! それはたいへんだ! どうしたらいいだろう」








興味深いと思いませんか? わたしたちは征服者の神話を信じているのです。現代ではもう、長い年月におよぶ縄文人と征服者との混血がすすみ、どちらのDNAも同じように受け継いでいるものと思われます。




























































4、    なぜTシャツなの?






えっ! そんなはずはないでしょう!



















































「お父さん、泣いたの、見たでしょう。お寿司、おいしかった! ありがとう」









「とんでもない! わたしなんて妬みや嫉妬で一杯だもの!」



「他人の幸せ? 本人の自己責任でしょう」











いかがですか? わたしは初めてこの文に出会った時ほんとうに驚きました。ああ、だから世界はこんなに苦悩に満ちているのか! と納得したものです。でも、さらに驚くべきことがあったのです! さあ、ご紹介しましょう。













いかがです? そっくり同じではありませんが、よく似た世界観ではありませんか? ユダの福音書は「グノーシス派」に分類されるそう。いわゆる「正統派」からは異端とされています。なぜなら、グノーシス派の教えでは、ひとは神であり、神とじかに繋がることができるからです! まあ、わたしの思いとよく似ていますね! グノーシス派がなぜ異端とされるのかと申しますと、もちろん、じかに神さまと繋がられては困るからです。

権力者が? ええ、それから、権力者を動かしている存在が。それは・・・・


シャーマン神人さん http://kamihito.net/ によれば、地球は長い間悪魔の支配下にあったそう。ようやく宇宙警察が介入し、悪魔の中枢は放逐され、現在は残党が多次元を出没しているのが現状と。権力者を操って、地球を苦悩と混乱の世界に陥れていた存在は、徐々にいなくなっているそう。

興味深いと思われませんか? 苦悩の原因がはっきりわかりますね。

え? むずかしくてよくわからない? 日ごろこんなことは考えませんものね。







え? やっぱりむずかしい? 













わたしたちは、清潔を保つことが、健康的に暮らすために欠かせないことを知っています。けれども、霊的にはゴミ屋敷です。ゴミ屋敷をごらんになったことがない?あら。では想像してごらんなさい。歩く場所がないほどの新聞や生ごみ、タバコ、積み重ねた汚れ物。その臭い。え? こういうのが好き? あら、そう。まあ・・・













「怖いよ! 痛いよ! なにをするの、助けて!」







いかがでしょう? 祓い清めの必要性は、ご理解いただけましたか?では、具体的な祓い清めについてお話ししましょう。








・「あいおえお」はご存じですね? 五十音です。これも祝詞です。 外国の方なら、ABCも祝詞かもしれません。しずかに唱えて、言霊となさってください。




































あなたが彼らにお尋ねになれば、きっと、彼らの答えを受けとられることでしょう。なぜって? アテルイ、モレ、田村麻呂公は、死んではいないからです。永遠のいのちにあって、現在も、わたしたちとともにいらっしゃるからです。アドバイスを求めればきっと、あなたは素晴らしいインスピレーションを得ることでしょう。

(京都山科区の田村麻呂公墓所です。雨のしずくがカメラにかかり、そこにたまゆらが発生しました。オカリナが終わる頃、静­かに消えてゆく様子は、まるで名残を惜しむようなたたずまい。アテルイとモレの終焉の地、枚方市牧野にある「伝 アテルイ モレの塚」。このとき、雨の中動画撮影に協力してくださったのが、保存会の会長さんです。)





Neiteibu Japanese untold story




Tamura in the center Asaryo

Right is Aterui

Left got (leakage)


"Unleash the Futari!"

This, for a moment that cried Tamura Asaryo,

We decided to book in jindai moji.



This 3 but people had in the friend or foe, is a contributor that ended the long lasted sword?. This is, this 3 overlaid the harmony of the world to the passion of the people, made ​​a powerful jindai moji T shirt.


Friends that "I run wearing marathon!". further,

". Of climbing in New Zealand T wore shirt!"

It also contains a report that.


But what a hell What is a jindai moji?



1,   What is the jindai moji?


This strange character, there is a history that has been used as the object of worship.

For this reason, it could not be published for a long time general.


A few years ago the thing called "jindai moji" became aware for the first time that it is in this world is.

Someday thing that I want to also write your own.

Encounter Yamamoto teacher of ABCs breathing Calligraphy, blessed with the opportunity to learn the long-sought jindai moji, I will love, you will be keep writing.


..... Did such a thing.

The challenge work of writing before his name in jindai moji, lowered to the altar with joy after returning home, we reported that "I have written." After a few days, you will notice a strange phenomenon.

"Oh, not that well! Jindai moji!?"

As whether issued your face, imperceptibly lid of Mamorihonzon was is open. Because it is Mamorihonzon for carry, always the lid is closed, without permission so that the lid does not open, we can tightly. The lid is opened naturally and at this time, when was around the region by train to sing the chant, and only when that bed with serious physical condition is getting worse. Always I just opened a little bit, it was either fully open or that you have not this time only.


Can feel that you are protected, it is a strange episode.


From getting to write the jindai moji, will be able to borrow the power of experts, the problem was a stalemate more than a decade has started to move in the direction of the resolution. 7 husband who has warmed the dream years or more, since the long-term care and the farewell of parents followed, which had been run out of exhausted energy. But this time, for the realization, it took a long-awaited step.


In addition I will encounter in the travel destination in the "Lake Biwa good brush".


2,    Biwako good brush?


Please listen to this tone.

It is a whistle made ​​in the plant "good" to purify the Lake Biwa. This is referred to as the "Lake Biwa good whistle," which has been devised teacher Kikui, if good person 3 is so put out octave. It is a very pure tone.


In the "good" the same Lake Biwa, one that your teacher has been made Chika is, will this "Lake Biwa good brush". This is also one handmade one. Unlike brush, pike open is as it is leaving the multiple of handwriting. I in this handwriting, we see the beauty of diversity.


People, plant, mineral, animal, taiga also mountains. Or that there is a myriad of diversity is not the beautiful thing, yet the same life?


This 3 so even people. Mutually recognized a variety of way. Not only saw the harmony in there, we believed that this peace can be realized.


3,    this 3 people Who?


First of all, please read this story.


Once upon a time, Aso was a large explosion. Jomon people who lived in Kyushu, says that it perished for that. Honshu is also the south is flying ash, likely received a great blow. In the eruption of Mount Aso, it is about flew a large rock up to Nagano.


People says.

"These days, the sun does not come out. Would be to what was"

Travelers will come from far away to there.

"Oh, it sounds.'s Because God of the sun had hidden"

"I What is! It would be nice If you very is it! What happened"

Has consulted gathered "helluva God.

I'm sure God of the sun will once again become Odemashi in this world. "


Well, everyone. We are not taught that the lead is eruption and the mythology of Mount Aso. Volcanic ash scattering by the eruption, also that the sun is no longer visible, also in western Japan has been hit, has become a different story in the mythology. It is written this way to folk history.


"Rebellious clan was in Kyushu, the hero was destroyed out."


Do not you think interesting? We I believe in the myth of the conqueror. In modern times the other, the process proceeds is Mixed with the Jomon people and the conqueror spanning the years, either of DNA is also believed to have inherited in the same way.



1 ) Tamura Asaryo


Previous weather changes due to Aso eruption, likely Jomon period was warmer than the present. When the conqueror is examining the national land, the Tohoku damage of the eruption was small, was really rich land. Later Jinshan contributed gilt Buddha is so was something of Tohoku. The horse was given to the city is also a specialty of the Northeast.


Tohoku what was a golden country.


Conqueror has left recorded as "must take the northeast."

"There are demons in the northeast. Demon come attack this city."

Tilt the people of fear saying, collected the troops, we will march to the northeast.


Father of Tamura Asaryo also, we will continue to do in the Northeast led the army. So what he saw would be what? Rich nature, we receive a gentle people, and a warm welcome.


Jomon people do not have a sensibility that hog the wealth. Even their own also creatures land was also knows that all is God. You did not have to be exclusive.


Welcomed the father of Asaryo Tamura visited all the way from a distance, welcomed the company, I have a feast as a matter of course. Inherit the Jomon culture of people "Emishi" was knows as "they are the same God as their own." We they were not blessed with the enemy and recognize sensibility.


Father of stay was Tamura Asaryo in Tohoku, fathered a child between the women of the land. This child is the Tamura Asaryo public later. The people of Emishi by the mother, Tamura Asaryo will be deploying an entirely different sword? The other generals.


It was to make a lot of sanctuary in the land.


Are currently left, in what is referred to as the uphill Tamura Asaryo public erected, there is a shrine and temple. Japan is in its history, we had been together the temples and shrines. To separate the Buddhism and Shinto's "haibutsu kishaku" has been carried out is that of the modern.


We hope the true peace in Northeast people, Tamura Asaryooyake of mind, we will gradually accepted by the people of Emishi.


(Tomb of Tamura Asaryooyake)


2 ) and the hero Aterui of Emishi, the second in command leakage


AD 789 years. Battle of Sufuku (Subuse) was there. Aterui is to expand the guerrilla war of the small number of people, and severe damage to the army of the conqueror. Aterui subordinates 500 and surrendered to Asaryo Tamura by pulling in people, but Tamura Asaryo is took only into the city Aterui and leakage. Capital in Tamura Asaryo we will plea to unleash the Futari. Emishi is the people of the mother. Is the appeal of the peace sincerely hope. However, the mind of the public is also vain, Aterui and Moret I would have been executed.

(Ezo mound)
(Mounds of Den Aterui Moret)


So we settled in detail in this blog, please visit.

Than blog "day-to-day Shibayan" " Sakanoueno Tamuramaro and Kiyomizu Temple"


(Kiyomizu-dera of autumn)
(Monument of Aterui Moret)


Leakage is a mystery with many people. Oddly enough, the name of the second in command leakage is not seen even once in the sword?.


Tamura Asaryo public erected, in Kyoto, Kiyomizu Temple precincts, there is a monument of Aterui and leakage. Every year 11 memorial service will have been carried out in the second Saturday in May. 2015 in the social gathering of years after Buddhist memorial service, I heard this kind of talk.


"Leak seems to have been a priest. Suwa of Moriya group implicated Toka ..."


Moriya group is a priest for generations serve god of the mountain.


..... Did such a thing. In Sakuma-cho, it is that at the time of the dedication of the dance sing in a certain mountain.

"We, I think the other friends."

Such a thought was dancing sing towards the mountain. Then, what about. The mountains, seemed to "haw-haw" and big laughed ... so. That night, there is always a meeting, so I will do the strange experience. It does not speak almost in a listener at the meeting. But whether that was what this day, I have been speaking more and more.

There, always a different!

When I think is now, I would of your mountain Mikane the can not be introverted remark gave me rework. It was not part of Kaware is, was able to suddenly change, was such a day.


Mountain My name is object of worship.

(In Sakuma-cho)


Well, if the leakage was a priest, it melts the mystery of the overwhelming victory of Aterui. Will there is a wisdom and help of God. Conqueror also, this wonder in the face, Will was afraid and "there are horrible demon in the northeast."


The object of worship I've had in a T-shirt.


4,    why T Are shirt?


Jindai moji that has been the object of worship. You might think this way. Hitowa, what this sacred, do you be wearing?


Let My name a conclusion. Hitokoso, mountains and rocks, and he the same as the object of worship and waterfalls.


Gosh Would not way!

Christians would you say surely this.

"According to the Bible man is a creature, not the object of worship!"

Even if you're of no faith, you might in your thoughts this way.

"War, theft, brutality. Human beings to such a thing is, you can not have an object of worship."


Yeah, you're right, human history has been full of anguish. But people, when I make your object of worship from the beginning, let's thank.


1 ) living god


God became human. Speaking of this, the whole world of Christians,

"It's about Jesus."

And it will be the answer.


But, speaking of living god in Japan, it is that of the Emperor. Besides, it is to come to be referred to as a living god in Japan, do you know?


It is a priest of Suwa. From generation to generation, it is a living god.

Please see the "Shinshu, a small journey."


But that matter, most of the people you think you do not know. Of course, I did not propose before going to Suwa.

(In Suwa of the hall, sound gallery Kazeware's)


By the way, those who read the myth of the world, did not become to think your way?

"Even though God, that's the same as human beings."

So, anger and jealousy, failure. God of mythology people are just human like.

In Japan, it referred to as "○○" that is the ancestor of God our clan. " God's offspring, as it were, was the political and economic center of the festival.


So, from the time the people, will cease to be a God?

It is time to leave the power. In order to monopolize the power, you it is hidden person is God really.


In NASA's original scientists, there is a famous healer

Barbara Brennan Dr.  

Is, I will tell you this in his book.


People in the soul, with a "seat of God."


This thing, referred to as "the Holy Spirit of the temple" is in the Bible, so that the "Spirit possession" in the ancient Shinto.

What is the shrine in the object of worship is a "mirror, Gokamigatana, Ball".

You know in the "numerology", of Takeshi Fukada teacher teaching ↓


Mirror ... the human mind (Kagami to gas (Kami → God and take the ego))

Gokamigatana ... body (which is the same shape as the sternum → Emishi sword)

Ball ... spirit


In the Bible, it says that "spirit-soul, body".

God of the shrine was originally human. From from living, or died, it came to be worshiped as God. In reality, like exert a large Kamui.


For a while after the death of his father, it was followed by a strange thing. Always someone When I cry, I pledge the sushi. The person is such that I was crying, not know at all. Why such a thing happen?

So, is surely deceased father

"My daughter, Cheer up. Now, since you raise the favorite sushi"

It seems if it were me comfort to say so.

"Dad, was crying, would have seen. Sushi, I said it was delicious! Thank you."

Then, no longer pledged quite right. My father surely, you might have surprised yourself.


Now, Hitowa is truly object of worship. God are you dwells in this body. So why, the world will're full of anguish. Let's talk about the reason from now.


2 reasons) anguish


If you are, If you really to be a God, do you want to create the kind of world?


"Outrageous! I Nante envy and those full of jealousy!"

"I do not want to Yari because to fail!"

"Want knocked angry."

"Happiness of others? Would be self-responsibility of the person."


Aw, really? ...


Onisaburo Deguchi anyone who wrote "spirit world Story" There is a kind described in. (Quote from human Club site) ↓ quote Kokokara


" There are three kinds of evil spirits.
Serpent (Orochi), evil fox (Akko), devil in the three types of (evil spirits), work differently each"
(spirit world story first 1 Vol. 18 see section)

and possession to such Yazu Yao serpent (Orochi of Yazu Yao) ... (snip) authority, to divide the society, acts like to struggle with each other.

(Akko of Kinmo Kyuhi Hakumen) evil fox of gold hair Kyuubi Hakumen ... (snip), such as to possession to power's wife, works like to Kago絡a man with a lust.

yourself to destroy the devil (evil of Rokumen Happy) (omission) the existing organization of the six-sided Hachihiji to act like that trying to dominate the world become a leader.

Quote Kokomade ↑

How is it? I was really surprised when I met for the first time in this statement. Oh, so what the world is full of so much anguish! Thing was satisfied that. But, it had to be more surprising! Come on, Let me introduce.


It is a disciple of Christ, is the Gospel of Judas.


In this book, Bad · D · Ahman US University of North Carolina professor will Irasshai wrote. Excerpt Kokokara ↓


Specific theological view of "The Gospel of Judas"

- This world was created is not a 惟 one absolute God

• This world is a damned evil world

The relief is not in the death and resurrection of Jesus, it is brought about by the revelation that the secret knowledge that Jesus reveals.


Excerpt Kokomade ↑


How about? Although not entirely the same, or not a similar view of the world? Likely Gospel of Judas is classified as "Gnostic". From the so-called "orthodox" I have been heresy. This is because, in the teaching of Gnostic, a person is a God, because it is possible to directly connect with God! Well, it is very similar to my thoughts! When the name is whether the Gnostic is why the heresy, of course, because directly been lead with God and is troubled.

Those in power is? Yeah, from it, is there running the authority. that is····


Sherman Shinjinbukan's http://kamihito.net/ According to the, likely Earth was under the domination of long devil. Finally the universe police intervention, the devil of the central is expelled, that the remnants are currently infested the multidimensional and current situation. Manipulating the authorities, likely there had been plunged into the world of the earth anguish and confusion, has gone slowly.

Do not you think interesting? It causes you can see clearly in distress.

Huh? I do not know well is difficult? I thing does not think everyday thing.

It will excerpt from your Kami示that God people's has been downed.
Again, the body has been taught that I put something of God.

◇◇◇ quote from here ◇◇◇ everyone from unexpected proceed ahead if Ne change is everyone 's made ​​walks relationship so tell me checkmate. Learn both We will do happy fun. People's first assumed to know the body like. Nasare understand the body like that Nikki our joy every day. Ja The flesh is Nikki alive. Ja God of put things. Ja Okami customers' alter ego of the earth. Ja Okami customers of chick type of window. Do not Nikki alive even without sonata is nothing. The Sonata is not the Nikki alive body. Sonata it will do your soul Nikki let me flesh used. Ja who Nikki is allowed to move the body on entering Gotamashi. Sonata who Itasu patronage learn as people of the earth while I will flesh used. Made President Ohama worshiped daily body like. Away - to cherish cherish used. Naranzo if Ne taught most to children, et al. Eliminates bullying if Re flesh like downy preciousness.

January 3, Nos. 2016

to ◇◇◇ cited herein ◇◇◇

Come, How is it? Huh? After all difficult? 


In other words, it is this.


3 ) face with yourself. Peace from there


Do you wash your face every day?

Toothpaste is only in the morning?

Bath, a month 1 times?

Cleaning is, in year 1 times?

Or food will wash before cooking?

Washing of clothes, in ten years 1 times?


We, to be kept clean, you know that you do not essential in order to live healthy. But, spiritually is the garbage house. I have never been to see the garbage house? Oh. In Look imagine. Newspapers and garbage of the more there is no place to walk, tobacco, stacked dirty things. The smell. Huh? Such the like? Oh yeah. oh dear···


To prepare the spiritual environment, is it "Haraikiyome". Jesus Before starting the activity, was baptized with water from John. Izanagi was washing the body with water when you return from Hades.


Japanese is often those who love the bath, but it is one of the bathing also your cleansed. Haraikiyome that is routinely performed, this is important.


Japanese Koso, Amaterasu is, when it is a purification ceremony in the water,

"Do you need to Nasaru the one who is why you cleansed, such as your customers?"

Likely he was asked to vassal with.

"It is because to eat a thing."

This was the answer of Amaterasu.


To eat things, it is interested in getting the energy to the mind and body. When you are killed and cows and pigs, Did you know that you feel the fear?

"Scary! I hurts! What for, help me!"

This feeling, we are the have taken in mind and body and spirit on a daily basis. The reason for fear and anxiety filled society is created is, I it's also in a place like this. Japanese, it did not for a long time carnivorous. Even in the Bible, the human will is written and did not eat the beginning animal. When the custom of eating meat is considered a wonder came from, it is interesting.


By Haraikiyome, irritation and were received unfairly, ill feeling and goodbye. And goodbye once and for all with the devil of minions, I return to my true. In addition, the expert group that supports us in the behind, guardian, guardian angel, guardian spirits, makes it easier guidance spirits, such as the connection, it will more and more dwarf is good inspiration.


(Center Tamura Asaryo, right leakage in Aterui-left)


Why? The need for Haraikiyome, did you understand? Let's talk about specific Haraikiyome.


4 ) Haraikiyome method of


If you search for "OKiyoshime" in the Internet, you will find a variety of ways. Can you cleansed without bother entering the religion.


In a way that I have done, let's introduce you some of the things that you can feel free to everyone.


- "Ayuoeo" is it you know? It is the Japanese syllabary. This is also chant is. If you are a foreign, ABC might also chant. Chanting quietly, please make yourself a Kotodama.


- Such as Kashiwa hands and tin, play a clean sound. It was the beginning bow and arrow is a stringed instrument. In the old Shinto is so there is a use of Azusa bow. It is also good to play a song but, Poron, please enjoy the Poron and sound.


Physical condition is body temperature When you play the violin will sweat up when bad. When the body temperature rises it also increases immunity. On one occasion, something with "Do not play it!" Was said to me. My that was dopey from a recovery in physical condition to play the violin,

"That, what was that of wonder ..."

And the thing that was wondering. Stringed instrument exorcism evil spirits, because you called the raise a fortune, is recommended.


- With salt evil exorcism

 It Haraikiyome with your salt and sake. Dissolved in water, you Furimaki as "the Pearl River cleanse exorcism Pearl River". Recently, he has to put familiar put the salt and jindai moji to Muppet. This is also powerful.


And powerful jindai moji, believed the harmony of different ethnic groups, Aterui, leakage, T-shirts of Tamura Asaryo also, please wear as a powerful item of Haraikiyome.


"Unleash the Futari!"

When you cried this way Tamura Asaryo public, Aterui and leakage, 3 people think was one.

"Unleash the Emishi!"

I have piled up "a living god that has been sealed unleash!" To this word.


When God of compassion, wisdom, joy is manifest in the people,
Earth is possible to obtain a true harmony will.

At the end of this sentence, only another.


I hope the peace of Emishi, Tamura Asaryo is believed to have taken the tie to leakage. Aterui in order to protect the Emishi, you can not really stop the sword?. Or leakage will not was this communicated to the use of Tamura Asaryo.

"Seize the heart of Aterui"

500 brought the people of subordinates, when Aterui has surrendered to Tamura Asaryo, I think in Aterui tried the hearts of Tamura Asaryo.

"What it will give me the peace really Emishi?"

Tamura Asaryo is, 500 unleashes the people Emishi.

"We need a man of hand to revive the village. Welcome back to the village."

Tamura Asaryo may thus, it grabbed the hearts of Aterui. Thus Aterui is, peace and their own life of Emishi, entrusted to Tamura Asaryo.


Of-virtue Tamura Asaryo

- Courage and Aterui of action

- Wisdom and wonder of leakage


If, this 3 Once you have the people and the communication can be established.

Do you guys you like the kind of story?

Before written name is there is energy of its people.

Once in you ask them, I'm sure, it will be received their answer. Why? Aterui, leakage, Tamura Asaryooyake is because not dead. In the eternal life, because still, come with us. I'm sure by obtaining the advice, you will get a great inspiration.

(It is Tamura Asaryooyake tomb of Kyoto Yamashina-ku. Rain drops is applied to the camera, there by the time the Tamayura the end is. Ocarina that occurred, how the Yuku quietly disappear, like appearance, such as reluctant to leave someone. Aterui and leakage the end of the land of lies in Hirakata Makino "Den Aterui leakage of the monument." in this case, for working with us to help in the rain movie shooting, is the president's preservation Society.)





thank you.